Friday Show Us... #Stillafoodgroup ..?

Friday Show Us... #Stillafoodgroup ..?

I hope that you are all well and have had a good week... post sharp show for some of us, which... I have to say was just amazing! 

It was great to see so many of the EDCCooperative there and just hilarious to see the balloons bobbing up and down!

I can only apologise if I didn't get to speak to you, we were slammed and we didn't actually get to do a lot of stuff that we wanted to do, simple things like taking photos and doing a little video of peoples pocket dumps... we still had fun though and I hope that you all did as well.

We need to give a special mention to those cooperators that travelled from afar, not only from all over England, but those from further afield, Switzerland and Ireland to name a couple... All I will say is... the bar is being raised, I have been privy to some information and there may be some awesome cooperators coming from even further a field, just to come and see their cooperative friends, which is amazing and just goes to show the strength of this community that we created and you guys make absolutely amazing!!!


Anyway, next order of business, over in the Facebook group, on a Friday, we occasionally do a #FridayShowUs, this is a show and tell type thing and we just pick a subject, these can be random, they're all meant as a bit of fun and we love to see how people interpret them. This week, we chose #StillAFoodGroup. Now, whilst we have joked a lot about this particular subject over the years, it is something that crops up in a playful manner quite often. Personally, it doesn't bother me but I know it 'triggers' some people when they see someone's favourite blade being used to slice a carrot or a pry tool shoved into some steak... anyway... I digress... well I am going to digress into another digression... I am currently up for nomination for the Lamarzocco Barista Hero 2023 and as part of this, I did a bit of baking to make a bit of a coffee shop vibe for part of my competition process, I took a photo and shared this and I was inundated, yes, actually inundated with requests for the Hazelnut Caramel Slice recipe, both on my personal page as well as the coop page and the group itself... so, it would only be rude if I did not type up and share it with you all...

You will need:

20 × 30cm brownie tin

For the base

Dairy-free butter 200g (real butter will suffice if no intolerances) 

Soft brown sugar 200g

Golden syrup 75g

Cocoa powder 100g

Gluten-free plain flour 150g (use plain flour if no gluten allergies)

Ground almonds 100g

Desiccated coconut 75g

For the caramel

Dairy-free butter 180g (again real butter will suffice if no intolerances) 

Icing sugar 150g

Light brown soft sugar 100g

Golden syrup 60g

Vegan condensed milk 340g can (or regular condensed milk, you get the picture)

Roasted hazelnuts 150g, roughly chopped

For the topping

Dark chocolate 350g, broken into pieces

Vegetable oil 15ml




  1.   Preheat the oven to 180°C / gas 4. Line the brownie tin with baking parchment.
  2.   For the base: melt the butter, sugar and syrup in a saucepan over a medium heat, stirring until melted.
  3.   Remove from the heat and mix in the cocoa powder, flour, almonds and coconut. Mix until combined then firmly press into the prepared tin using the back of a spoon.
  4.   Bake for 15-20 minutes until the base is firm to the touch.
  5.   For the caramel: melt the butter in a heavy-based saucepan over a medium heat. Add the sugars, syrup and condensed milk then turn down the heat.
  6.   Stir the mixture slowly until it's bubbling. Remove from the heat for a moment and allow to settle, then return to the heat. Repeat this process until the caramel is thick and golden - this will take about 15 minutes. The caramel will set as it chills, so don't worry if it doesn't appear to be thick enough.
  7.   Stir the hazelnuts into the caramel and combine. Pour the caramel over the cooked base, level out, then refrigerate until set.
  8.   For the topping: melt the chocolate in a heat-proof bowl over gently boiling water. Add the oil, stir until combined and pour over the chilled caramel layer.
    Return to the fridge for 2-3 hours to set.
  9.   To serve: slice into portions using the top tip of a hot knife - this stops the chocolate from cracking, you're welcome for that. 



You may end up with something similar to this if not better... Enjoy.

Have a great weekend, whatever you are up to and we look forwards to seeing your Hazelnut Slices soon ;-)


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